Spindle Bore: 1.41 in, 36 mm; Drawtube Bore 0.98 in, 25 mm
We are delighted to present the GT-5 model gang tool lathe. This is our smallest-footprint gang lathe and is an excellent platform for automation. We are confident that you will find this product a versatile, flexible, and reliable addition to your company’s manufacturing capabilities. Our single-piece heavy casting is the culmination of years of experience in machine tool manufacturing and offers the best features for gang tool and turret lathe construction.
GT-5 Specifications
Max Turning Diameter
11 in
280 mm
Max Swing Over Table
3.5 in
90 mm
Bar Capacity
0.98 in (Opt.1.06299in)
25 mm (Opt. 27 mm)
Travel & Feed Rates
X-Axis Travel
12 in
304 mm
Z-Axis Travel
8 in
203 mm
Rapid on X-Axis
1,180 in/min
30 m/min
Rapid on Z-Axis
1,180 in/min
30 m/min
Axis Max Feed Rate
400 in/min
10.15 m/min
Power Rating
5 hp (7.5 hp optional)
3.7 kW
100 – 4,500 rpm
100-4,500 rpm
Spindle Bore
1.41 in
36 mm
Drawtube bore
0.98 in
25 mm (Optional 27 mm)
Spindle Nose
Collet Actuator
Hydraulic Cylinder
Hydraulic Cylinder
Integral Casting
One-Piece Construction
Slant Angle 45-degree
Rail Span
14.25 in
362 mm
Casting Weight
2,200 lbs
1,000 kgs
Linear Rails
0.98 in P3 Accuracy
25 mm P3 Accuracy
Ball Screws Precision
Ground 0.98 in C3
Accuracy 25 mm
Auto Lubrication
Linear Rails and
Ball Screws
Head Stock
Cast Iron
Turret Workholding
Gang Turret Table HT.
1.732 in
45 mm
Table Length T-Slot
17.71 in
450 mm
Chuck Size
5.3 in
135 mm
Collet Nose Options
5C, 16C, 3J, Threaded
Dead Length
Center Height Holders
¾ in tool holders
Custom Blocks
Positional Repeatability
±0.0001 (one-tenth)
0.00254 mm
Positional Resolution
±0.00005 (50 millionths)
0.00127 mm
Positional Accuracy
±0.0001 (one-tenth)
0.00254 mm
Spindle Runout
0.00005 (50 millionths)
0.00127 mm
C-Axis Indexing
Increment 0.001°
360,000 Radial Position
Coolant Capacity
15 gallons
60 Liters
Coolant Pump
3/4 hp
0.5 Kilowatt
Power Required
7.5 KVA 25 amps
208-240 VAC 3-Phase
Machine Dimension
Floor Space L X W
55 X 29 in
1,380 X 710 mm
Machine Height
55 in
1,430 mm
Sheet Metal Length
71 in
1,816 mm
Sheet Metal Width
48 in
1,140 mm
Machine Weight
3,600 lbs
1,636 kgs