Static Mount Radial ER-20 Twin Spindle Servo Driven Live Tool

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Radial-mounted two-spindle servo driven live tool that is gear driven with ER-20 collet for milling and drilling operations on a gang tool lathe. With GSK control can also perform tapping operations.

Year: New
Location: Southern California
Status: New
Manufacturer: CNC New, Inc.

CNC New now has available servomotor driven live tools available with gear driven systems. The spindle has an ER-20 collet and is driven by a 1kw motor with a rated torque of the 3.2Nm motor. This system is an aggressive cutting single, double, spindle package that can be mounted in axial or radial positions. With the larger models of lathes, we also offer twin spindle axial and radial tool systems as well as a vertical or Y-Axis type system. Includes motor, drive spindle and attachment for the selected system. The motor is a high-performance rare earth permanent magnet material with long-term continuous work in rated working mode. Included with a matching AC servo driver to realize optimum servo performance.